Tuesday 24 September 2019


A picture with my parents and my brother playing in Viña del Mar

Hello bloggers, how are you? How was last week?

Today I will talk about my favorite sport, which is rugby.
I started playing rugby at the PWCC club years later, then at twelve my father changed me to the Stade Francaise club, that's where I played all my childhood until today.

My main memories playing begin at the Stade, there I started playing at twelve with my brother, we were going to train every Wednesday and Saturday, the atmosphere was very familiar and we were all friends in the team, then we started to grow and every once the game required more skill and training, which motivated me, so much so that I was a captain and also participated in the national team m-16.

unfortunately, when I was 18, I injured my shoulder and I had to stop playing for a long time, then when I returned I tore my leg, and that same year I injured my other shoulder. This made me rethink if I wanted to continue playing, so much so that during the past year I played soccer, however this year I decided to play rugby again, so I did many kinesiology sessions and now I am playing in a good way, however this sport requires A lot of training.

Finally I tell you that the rugby world cup is currently being played in Japan, and it will last until November 1.

and you do sports? which is your favorite?

Monday 9 September 2019


Hello dear bloggers, how are you? today I will tell you about a teacher who inspired me, he was my carpentry teacher at school, I know the subject sounds strange, but in my basic school they taught us things like that, I also had classes in the garden, weaving, painting, music and other things, this school was waldorf.
Then I had many teachers who taught me different things, which helped me to train and be who I am today.
The carpentry teacher's name was Enrique, he had a very special personality, and he was very polite and kind, when he was angry it was because someone had really behaved very badly or had broken the rules and was in danger, since with the tools that there was in the workshop it was very easy for an accident to occur.
He also taught us different values ​​such as being ordered, disciplined, concentration, respect among others.
That is why I respected the whole course, even the "bad children" worked with care in their class, which was very entertaining because we made toys, fountains, cutlery and even wooden furniture.

That is my humble tribute to my dear Professor Enrique, greetings friends see you soon


Here I am at Lonquimay volcano with my friends, it was certainly a great day Hello friends, as you have been, unfortunately I could no...